Today Everyone Welcome!
Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!
Everyone Welcome!
Open House Thursday Nov 21 4:00-8:00.
In Our Bloomington Showroom
Featuring Hegel and Perlisten

The All New Hegel H400 Integrated Amplifier
Brad Paulsen from Hegel will be our store to introduce the all new Hegel 400 integrated amplifier. Along with the H400 also on display the H95, H120, H190V, H600, V10 phono stage,
and the amazing Viking CD player.
Open House 4:00pm-8:00pm.
Cheese and Crackers, Cookies, and Other Goodies.
Beer, Wine, Soda, and Coffee
Enjoy An Entertaining Evening
Full Of Great Demos, Expert Knowledge and Fellowship

Eric Smith from Perlisten will on hand to discus everything Perlisten. He will demonstrate the amazing Perlisten S7T tower speaker along with the D12s subwoofer. Learn what makes Perlisten sound so wonderful and why Perlisten has taken the loudspeaker world by storm.