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Pre-Owned Zu Audio Omen Dirty Weekend


Floor Standing Speakers

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Design: High efficiency, high output, direct radiating floor standing loudspeaker. Omen features Zu’s full-range driver (Zu260FRD/G4), ZuGriewe driver/box/room loading technology, no crossover or filters on full-range driver, complimented by a phenolic composite dome time-aligned machined from billet tweeter to provide the acoustic sparkle and resolution from 12k Hz and up.
H W D: 36” x 12” x 12” [92 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm]
Footprint: 12” x 12” [30.5 x 30.5 cm]
Weight: 53 pounds [24 kgs]
Driver Complement: Zu260FRD/G4, 10-1/3” full-range driver covering 30 to 12,000 CPS, Zu APT-L2 tweeter assembly with stainless screen (composite dome + phase plug + machined 6061 lens) driver 2% pair matching, 0.5% on all other electrical components
Efficiency: 97dB SPL @ 1 Watt, 1 meter
Impedance: 12 ohm, nominal full bandwidth
Bandwidth: 35 – 25,000 Hz
Max Music Input Power: 200 watts
Component Tolerance: driver 1% pair matching, 0.1% on all other electrical components
Tweeter Detail: Zu APT-L2 tweeter assembly // bandwidth: 12k – 25kHz
High-Pass Filter Detail: first order bessel @ 18kHz (12kHz acoustical) PulseX 1uF + loading R
Full-range Driver Detail: Zu260FRD/ND, 10-1/3” full-range driver // bandwidth: 35 – 12kHz (direct and unfiltered)
Cabinet: North American Comp-60 composite high density fiberboard skinned with real wood veneer
Included With Loudspeaker:
Life Expectancy: 100 years; cabinet, and drivers, including the Zu 10.3” [260mm] drivers; even in direct sunlight
Manufacturers Country Of Origin: U.S.A. 95%